Basic structure of motor driverThe basic circuit structure of the stepper motor driver is shown in the figure.Stepper motor will not move when it is directly connected to ac or dc power supply.The driver (drive circuit) consists of a control circuit (or logic circuit) that determines the reversing sequence and a commutation circuit (or power stage) that controls the output power of the motor. The pulse generator produces an instruction pulse.When the stepper motor should run at a certain speed, as long as it produces a certain frequency of continuous pulse, it can determine the total rotation Angle of the stepper motor, stop position, acceleration, uniform speed, deceleration and other variable process.Because the pulse generator can control the pulse frequency, it is also called a controller. In the 1970s, stepper motors were also called pulse motors, which is because the input instruction of the motor is the pulse signal or the winding current of the motor is the pulse current.The name stepper motor comes from the rotor output action, that is, the rotor step by step rotation motion relationship. |