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How to choose dust explosion - proof motor

In a factory, the factory environment can have some combustible dust, or some explosive dust.So the motors that work in this environment need to have special requirements.For example, the motor is required to work to prevent the generation of sparks.And the motor can work normally in this dust environment.This kind of motor which can work in the place where the explosive and combustible dust exists is the dust explosion-proof motor.

Before understanding the dustproof and explosion-proof motor, first understand how the dust explosion danger site is divided.Dust explosion hazardous sites are divided into two zones according to the frequency and duration of explosive or combustible dust environment.

Zone 10: the area where dust clouds or dust layers present or may occur during normal processing, treatment or cleaning, and air mixture can reach explosive concentration.

Zone 11: the area not designated as zone 10, but dust clouds appear in the area under abnormal conditions. The dust becomes the area where the explosion concentration can be reached after mixing with the air.

In order to work normally in the above areas, the shell of the dust explosion-proof motor can be divided into two categories according to its ability to limit dust:

Dust tight enclosure, enclosure protection grade is IP6X, marked DT;

Dustproof enclosure, enclosure protection grade is IP5X, marked DP.

When choosing the dust explosion-proof motor, the suitable type of dust explosion-proof motor can be selected according to two aspects.

1. First choose the protection type according to the motor corresponding to different dangerous places

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2. Select according to the nature, category and temperature of dust

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Of course, it is not so easy to choose a suitable dust-proof motor for a person who is not familiar with it.Generally, the place where the motor works and the working environment can be told to the dust explosion-proof motor manufacturer, so that the manufacturer to choose a suitable is also a better method.

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