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Comparison table of shaft diameter of explosion-proof motor

Comparison table of shaft diameter of explosion-proof motor

Many people will think that explosion-proof motor according to the gb size of the axle diameter in the same frame size series of motors axle diameter is the same for example

YBX3-250 - m - 4

The diameter of ybx3-250m-255kw explosion-proof motor is 60mm

The diameter of ybx3-250m-4 55kw explosion-proof motor is 65mm

So the diameter size of the explosion-proof motor is not invariable.

As shown in the following table, we can see that the axle diameters from the frame size of 80 to the frame size of 200L are the same regardless of whether the rotation speed is 2-pole or 4-pole, 6-pole or 8-pole. For the explosion-proof axle diameters above 200L, please refer to the comparison table of axle diameter size (as shown in the figure below) :

I hope the above will help you to choose the explosion-proof motor

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